Tuesday, May 4, 2010

an aggravating subject

When I first moved to Northern Maine, a lot of people assumed that I must have thought the people up here were nicer than people in NY. The truth is that people are pretty much the same every where you go. There are nice people, mean people, rude people, red-necks, and snobs everywhere. There are some small differences in the people, though. Western New York is much more diverse than Northern Maine, and though most people up here claim that they are not prejudice, I see people move away from those who are different. Not everyone up here is like that, though. I know a lot of open minded people up here, but it seems that there are more open minded people in Western New York. I said it in my first blog and I am saying it in my last, New York State is not just made up of New York City. Though I say that many times, people up here still relate me to a NYC person. Not every person in NY has a hardened attitude. Even if every person in NY acted like a person from the city, I would bet my life savings that they would be more open minded a lot of the people from the county.