Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The things Mainers see

I originally came to Northern Maine10 years ago for a vacation after my high school graduation. I intended on being in Aroostook County for 2 weeks to a month at the most, but I immediately fell in love with what Mainers see every morning when they walk out their front door. I did not know what I wanted to do with my life in my senior year of high school, and it took me only 3 months in this great state to realize that I wanted to capture everything that I saw with my camera. My first experience with the natural life of Maine was the second day that I arrived. I came to Maine by buss with a friend and arrived in Bangor at 10:00 pm. I stayed with a relative of that friend the first night, and the second day his brother brought us to the county in way of rout 11. To anyone not from Maine reading this, rout 11 is the back way to the county, and it is also the logging road. It takes about 2 hours going from Bangor to the bottom of the county on the interstate. Rout 11 is much longer than the interstate and the roads can be quite worn in places, but if you don’t mind spending the extra time it is well worth it. Three hours after I woke on my second day in Maine I saw one of the creatures that this beautiful state is well known for, and then 3 more after that. I was stunned silent, which most of my friends and family will tell you does not happen often, when I saw this huge vegetarian beast picking at grass by the side of the road. It was the first moose that I had ever seen in real life, and they do not always look like what you see in nature books and on Television. Most of the pictures that I have seen of moose were of big glorious animals, the males and females were thick with a lot of fur and the males had massive antlers. The truth is that they are only like that in the late summer to the fall. During the winter months, moose lose most of their body weight so when they come out in the spring the poor animals look sickly. The first time I saw a moose was in the first of July, so the moose that I saw on that day did look somewhat ill, they were better than some I have seen. I always loved being out side and loved the sites in NY, but I believe that seeing that incredibly tall animal standing outside my window is what started the deep love and respect that I have for nature today. In NY there were many deer, and deer is all you saw. Though deer are beautiful in their own right, if that is the only thing you see, you get tired of seeing them.


  1. After a while, it can be tiring to see a moose in the back yard as well. Especially when that moose continually tramps through your garden patch, nibbling at goodies as they go. Very nice pictures!

  2. Moose are great! They stomp through gardens, ruin shrubs, break off limbs of trees in the dooryard, and dogs don't seem to bother them. Actually, when i had a dog, it would bark at the moose while the moose looked at it as i would look at a pissed off ant! Moose... I wouldn't mind if they would leave the cucumber patch alone

  3. Moose are annoying. (Just kidding...I do think they are's just that seeing them on the roads all the time makes them a hazard, too.)

    Last week I saw 8-10 deer on the little stretch of "highway" between Sleeper's in Caribou and the Caribou Inn and Convention Center. They were on the right, in a field -- never seen deer there before. Spring must be here!
